Saturday, November 10, 2018

Day Full of Firsts

The first day in a new place is always exciting. Our first day in Nairobi was no exception.

After a good night's sleep and a full breakfast at the Heron Portico Hotel, we made arrangements for a tour to Nairobi National Park. Just south of the city, electric fencing separates the wild life from the metropolis. We got a look at the dirty, contemporary city from the roadways.

First stop was an ATM. We were escorted by Ann, the tour agent. She warned us not to handle money or display iPhones or any valuables in public. Someone might come out of nowhere and snatch the goods! Even in a vehicle, keep windows shut. Security is indeed an issue. We are told not to walk anywhere. Our hotel is fenced and gated, and embellished with electric wire, separating the wild city humans from those within. People and luggage are checked with metal detectors. This is our home compound.

Seems inhospitable, yet all the people we have encountered have been pleasant and friendly. Benson was our driver / guide. He safely maneuvered the heavily trafficked streets of Nairobi and took care of details at NNP. Plus, he was very patient with this couple of birdwatchers, stopping at our every whim. What a great introduction to the African safari experience! (We must learn the names of these gazelle / antelope animals) We identified over 40 species of birds, and saw lots more we couldn't ID!



African Cape Buffalo

Zebra w/ Ostrich in background 

Golden Backed Jackal

Impalas w/ Red Billed Ox Peckers(I'm not kidding)


  1. Unreal photos! These animals must be accustomed to tourists?! Glad you have your trusty guides to navigate the urban environment too!

    1. Wild animals in a wild place... you must search for them. Lots of driving on dusty, rough roads. Everyone is on the lookout. The guides have good eyes and are in touch with other drivers. We came very close to some animals. Also, a zoom lens is helpful :-)
